Tarjolle tein helppoja suolapaloja, appelsiinimarmeladileivoksia ja elämäni ensimmäisen pavlovan. Suolapaloihin käytin Linkosuon uusia valkosipulin makusia ruissipsejä. Pursotin niihin täytteeksi pippurituorejuustoa. Leivosten ohjeen löydät täältä ja pavlovan resepti majailee täällä. Pavlovan marengin tein omalla ohjeellani. Minä kun en oikein ymmärrä, miksi marenkiin täytyy seata maissitärkkelystä ja valkoviinietikkaa. Kaippa niillä joku tarkoitus kuitenkin on.

Ou yes! In our family we celebrate name days as well as birthdays. Because all of my familymembers have their birthday during the coldest time of the year it is lovely to invite people over for cake during the summer time as well. On every channel the weather forecast was very poor for today. Extremely rainy and also promise of heavy thundering. Well it did not rain at all and I got to put up my coffeetable on our small courtyard. I put up some gardenlights which we have had since our wedding. We took out the gardenfurniture from storage (it was about time) for the first time this summer.
For the coffeetable I made small salty snacks, orange marmalade pastries and a strawberry pavlova. For the salty snack I used Linkosuo's (Finnish bakery) new crispy rye chips. I filled them up with some pepper cheese. The recipe for the pastries you'll find in here and for the pavlova here. For the pavlova I made the meringue using my own recipe because I don't like mixing corn starch or vinegar into my dow.
Oi, näyttääpä kaikki herkulliselta! :-)
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