Eilen sunnuntaina annoimme poikasellemme nimen. Pöytää olin koittanut laittaa koreaksi tekemällä elämäni ihka ensimmäisen voileipäkakun. Leevin serkku oli juhlan kunniaksi tehnyt täytekakun ja ihanan kakun koristeen marsipaanista. Viikko sitten hain metsästä mustikan varpuja maljakkoon sillä ajatuksella, että olisivat hiirenkorvilla juhlapäivänä. Toisin kävi ja jouduin hakemaan kukkakaupasta narsisseja lehdettömien varpujen joukkoon.
Last sunday our son got his name. To celebrate the occasion I made my ever first sandwich cake (is that the correct word for it in english?) Leevi's cousin made the cake and on top of it a very nice cake topper out of marzipan. Already a week ago I fetched some blueberry branches from the forrest and put them in water hoping for them to get some green leaves. Not too many leaves turned up and I had to get some flowers to brighten up the naked branches.
I think you may mean "layer cake" in English :) Very cute blog! I stumbled upon it after finding your Etsy shop. I will have to get my Finnish friend to translate your recipes for me!
VastaaPoistaThank you for the lovely comments! If there's a special recipe you would like I can also try to translate it for you. Just let me know.
Please visit soon again!