2. Taita pellin reunat pihdeillä takapuolelle ja hakkaa vasaralla litteäksi.
3. Hahmottele pellille kirjoittamasi teksti vesiliukoisella tussilla.
4. Hakkaa teksti pellille meistaus kirjaimin ja pyyhi tussi pois.
5. Tarvittaessa vahvista tekstiä vedenkestävällä tussilla kevyesti.
6. Tee naulalla ja vasaralla peltilaatikon kanteen pieni reikä vetonuppia
7. Pujota pieni helmi rautalankaan ja taita rautalangan päät yhteen.
Pujota ne suuremman helmen läpi ja sitten juuri tekemäsi reiän läpi niin, että helmet jäävät laatikon ulkopuolelle.
8. Laitan kannen sisäpuolelle nappi stoppariksi, ja pujota rautalangat
sen läpi. Pyöritä tiiviiksi, jottei nuppi irtoa.
9. Liimaa kaksoiskomponenttiliimalla ohjekilpi laatikon kanteen.
10. Liimaa tai teippaa kaksipuolisella teipillä magneetti muistivihon
takapuolelle ja laita se laatikon takaseinälle.
11. Ruuvaa kiinni oven pieleen ja laita lyijykynä kaappiin syntyneelle
My grandmother and -father had a little wooden box nailed beside their front door. In the box there was a small notepad and a pencil. If they weren't at home and someone visited they could leave a message in the box. Now in the age of mobilephones this is hardly necessary but I still wanted to make one. The best place to put it is where rain and snow won't touch it.
YOU'LL NEED: metal box which has a lid with a hinge, a small soft metal sheet, punch tool letters, two-component glue (freely translated), two beads different sizes, a button, thin metal wire, notepad, magnet, pencil, tin snips, nail, hammer, pliers, waterproof and non-waterproof marker and to faster two screws.
1. Cut with tin snips a small piece from the thin metal sheet. This piece goes on the top of the box for the instructions.
2. Fold the edges from the metal sheet to the back with pliers and hammer them flat.
3. With the non-waterproof marker write your text in the metal plate.
4. Hammer the text on to the plate with punch letter tool.
5. If the text is not visible enough you can strengthen it with the waterproof marker.
6. Make a small hole on the lid for the knob with the help of the nail.
7. Slip the metal wire through the smaller pearl and twist the ends together. Then put them through the bigger pearl. After this put them though the hole on the lid so that the pearls are left on the outside of the box.
8. Put a button on the inside as a stopper and put the metal wires through it. Twist it tight so that the knob won't fall off.
9. With the two-component glue glue the metal plate with the instructions to the lid.
10. Attach the magnet to the back of the notepad with glue or double sided tape and place on the back wall of the box.
11. Screw the box beside your door and put a pencil on the shelf that was created.